Further reading on why I do what I do...
"Wherever we travel and live my attention is focused on visiting hidden or forgotten green spaces within or near cities, these spaces are where I discover my subjects and inspiration for making. The sites I am attracted to are in-between worlds, places that many would probably avoid. Individuals who need escape or refuge, the homeless, the outsiders, the nature adventurers, and others will find and pass through such places. I feel a calm energy in these landscapes, the presence of past wanderers seen only through abandoned objects or through the unsanctioned pathways of the cut across. Immersed in these places for hours, the subtle qualities of the land, the light, the movement and sounds of plants, insects and other creatures all become heightened and seem more alive and vital, in that state I am overcome by the feeling that these wild-edge places have accepted my presence."
Vincent Twardzik Ching